Sunday 15 April 2012

you are lucky to be have food and water

Most of us today take our food and water for granted. Many of us don't savor the food we eat and the drinks we consume. But just think about a time when you were really hungry and thirsty, just recall that feeling, and you will realize that at that moment all you wanted was just food and water and nothing else.

We are lucky to have thousands of people worldwide working tirelessly so that you can be delivered  with  food, so that you don't starve to death. Just imagine what would happen if the farmers stopped growing food or the transport guys who bring the fruits and vegetables to the market stopped working.

We are lucky to living on this planet, the Mother Earth. It is the mother who provides us with soil, water and air which makes it possible for the farmers to grow food and vegetables.

To feel lucky to be having food just remember of the starving children in Africa who starve everyday and there you are having the choice to eat what you prefer.
Remember there are millions of people who don't get drinking water and we can have as many liters as we want.  There are millions for whom fresh fruit is still a dream and many of us just throw it away. Next time when you eat something just think about the people who have worked so that you can eat it and how lucky and blessed you are to be eating it because god choose you to have the luxury of eating it and not starving.

Thursday 12 April 2012

become enlightened

When we speak of the word enlightened first name that comes to our mind is Lord Buddha and Lord Mahavira. Lord Buddha always taught to be grateful. To become enlightened you don't have to meditate for years, you just need to be grateful. Enlightened people are no different than you and me they just realize that life is nothing but pure magic. Being enlightened means realizing that your current circumstance is the best that could have been, the present moment only has the power to change the world. it means realizing that you are a special child and you are unique like everyone else. It means realizing that everyone who comes into your life has a purpose and you have the power to extract the best out of it. It means realizing that life is just magical, you go to sleep and wake u is magical in itself. you breathe unconsciously is magical in itself. You walk unconsciously is again a magic, you drive to your work and back home safely with your mind lost somewhere else is another magic, so many people on different parts of the world work so that you can have your food is just magical. I am here updating my blog in INDIA and you are on other part of the planet reading this is just a miracle.
A fruit effortlessly grows out of a seed just for you is pure magic. You are blessed to have eyes to read is so magical. Billions of people on earth understand the language english is so magical. Just continue listing down the magics in your life and you will see the difference in feeling between former you and current you, and this difference is enlightenment.