1. Pump your heart daily: Workout everyday, it is the best way to release stress and all other negative emotions from your mind. Pump your heart everyday for atleast 45 minutes, it will detoxify your entire body, keep you young and energetic, it will give you energy to live life, it will make you feel confident and you will be more comfortable under your skin, you will be a lot relaxed. Remember you cannot be doing good until you feel good. It is one of the obsessions that you should be having.
2. Give time to your mind : Start meditation to keep your mind healthy and focused. To start with you can start with 10 mins daily and than extend upto 25-30 minutes. For more on meditation visit the meditation page and for more on mind read the posts I posted from 19-25 December, 2011.
3. Practice non-judgmental : It means that you stop labeling circumstances as good or bad or right or wrong etc.. Circumstances are the way they are supposed to be, it is your thoughts that make it good or bad. Judging them gives rise to a war between your heart and mind, as a process you loose your inner peace and become happy. Take an oath to practice it, repeat the following lines over and over again throughout the day "I will not judge anything, I am practicing non judgmental". Once you get it engraved in your mind you will automatically start to use this tool.
4. Practice gratitude daily : Gratitude takes you to the state of pure love and when you are in state of pure love your life is a complete bliss. Be grateful for your life, for your family, for your house, for your job.. this list can be never ending. Gratitude makes you feel blessed and gives you the feeling of abundance. It also makes you focus on the positives and once you start to focus on positives and abundance this is what you will attract through your life as what you focus on in what you get. Visit gratitude page for more.
5. Reduce your activity : 80% of our achievements come through 20% of our work, so perform only those activities that will make you great and do it intensely focused, spend more time doing these activity. Stop trying to be busy, just do the activities which will make a difference to you, activities through which you will gain and perform it with a focused mind and cut out from the useless activities.It will give you a lot more free time.
6. Give something to everyone you meet during the day : Here I don't mean necessarily material things, you can give them your blessings or a rose or a small amount of money to the poor you come across.
Do it from all your heart and full of love.This activity will give you the feeling of abundance of everything, and when you start to feel abundance you will attract abundance.
7. Play with your pet or baby : If you have a pet or small baby or children play with them everyday, this will instantly make you happy. You can learn from babies on how to be happy they don't need to taught on this.
8. Listen and dance to music : Listen to some quality music everyday, probably may be after you finish your work or while driving, sing along with the music and also dance with the music and get others around you to also dance.
It is so much fun. Just try it and you will start to cherish this activity.
9. Read inspiring books : Watch less of television and spend some time reading inspirational books or autobiographies of great people. You will learn plenty, you will be a lot more motivated.
10. Have a gala time with your family : Be grateful to god for he has given you such lovely family. Spend time with them, have your meals together atleast one meal a day. Talk to them, go out with them, play with them.